Phylip Jones

The Brokerage Customer Service Roundtable provides a platform for both consumer banks and Fintech companies to focus on operational efficiency and objectives, including delivering consistent multi-channel experiences, managing compliance issues, and leveraging data to better predict, route, and respond to customer inquiries.

Sample meeting topics include:

Customer Service Best Practices

Prospect management, conversion and response rates across direct mail, online, and phone channels

Fraud Trends & Mitigation

Managing current fraud dynamics, including fraud at on-boarding, advisor fraud, and tools and technologies for prevention

Customer Experience

Governance, quality assurance, and complaint management: Conversations will highlight tactics to augment CX

Impact of Regulatory Environment

Interpreting and responding to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), as well as KYC and AML concerns

Contact us today to learn more about our Roundtables.

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