Auriemma Roundtables give you the aggregated benchmark data you need to better understand the industry landscape. For companies looking to go even deeper, we offer additional ways to interrogate your data and monitor performance on an ongoing basis.
Check out our data and analysis capabilities below.
Auriemma Roundtables’ Insights Subscription is an annual membership allowing companies access to the right information and experts to help benchmark performance, identify functional opportunities or gaps, enter new markets, and develop/augment products. Membership includes benchmarking, customizable analysis and a session with our analysts. Areas of coverage include auto finance, credit card, and banking.
Designed for:
Ongoing performance data is more critical than ever. But business silos get in the way. We developed a solution that breaks down those barriers and puts cross-functional data right at your fingertips. From collections and recovery to customer service and fraud, our Executive Dashboard makes monitoring complex performance data simple. This service is for current Roundtable members and other large U.S. financial institutions.
Features include: